Japanese Lunchie @ Excapade Sushi, Regent Square

This is one rare occasion that I had lunch with Jia on a weekday. We usually meet up for dinner after work but lunch, it’s once in a blue moon kind of occasion. Well, there is nothing special about it anyways. Wanted to have Japanese cuisine since I wasn’t able to get my craving fixed last Friday night when friend decided to go Fish & Co., Citis Square instead of Kaizen Sushi Waterfront despite I had reserved a table for two. I am supposed to be working today since it’s Monday but I requested for a changing of off day for this week with management and worked yesterday instead. Sent my dad to the airport during noon time for his 1:30p.m. flight to Kuching and picked friend and his brother from the airport in the afternoon.

Jia and I chose Excapade Sushi, Regent Square since it’s near to her workplace. Picked her from her workplace so that we don’t have to go with two cars. And furthermore, it’s a pain in the arse to look for a parking space around her workplace. So, it’s wiser for me to pick her up instead and send her back to her workplace after lunch. Excapade Sushi wasn’t half crowded when we arrived but it started to fill up with patrons a short while later. We ordered pretty much what we wanted to eat.


Fuji Roll | B$3.80

Portion kinda shrunk a bit compared to what I last remembered. Taste wise, it’s still acceptable but a bit too sweet for my liking. Maybe too much of thousand island dressing with the sauteed salmon pieces?


Una Hama Maki | B$4.80

I ordered this coz it has grilled eel on top of the sushi roll. I am quite a big fan of grilled eel but not all Japanese restaurant way of cooking grilled eel achieved my expectation. Most of the ones which I had tried before were overcooked in my opinion and they don’t melt in your mouth. The worst grilled eel which I had tried so far was Unagi Kabayaki from Kitaro Japanese Restaurant. The grilled eel atop of this sushi roll was still acceptable, in my opinion. But it wasn’t something which I would go crazy for. Hahaha … But I liked the centre filling. Couldn’t be sure what it was but it was extremely crunchy and fried to perfection.


Shime Saba | B$2.50

Couldn’t make any comment on this coz this is what Jia ordered and I rarely eat any other kind of raw fish apart from salmon. But it should be good enough or else Jia wouldn’t be ordering the same thing every time I go to a Japanese restaurant with her.


Alaska Maki | B$3.00

Ordered this coz I loved the super big chunk of fresh salmon wrapped inside the sushi roll. And it came with a small piece of avocado. I am not an avocado fan when it comes to eating it raw. I would usually prefer it to be blended with fresh milk or some sort. But a small piece is still considering acceptable to me. Even Jia said that it felt good to have a big chunk of raw salmon melting inside the mouth. Hahaha … xD


Mini Salmon Mayo | B$3.80

Can I say that the Salmon Nishoku from Sushi King, Miri was presented better than this? At least, the raw salmon slices were fresh. This was the last to come when the rest of our orders had arrived. Was almost completely full when this came. Jia and I had two each.


Salmon Uzukuri | B$8.00

Was craving for some raw salmon slices hence Jia and I ordered this to share. Thank God that she is also one big fan of sashimi. Remembered that there was once when friend ended up in the toilet for overdosing of sashimi. Perhaps the sashimi weren’t that fresh on that day. Their Salmon Uzukuri came with a small bowl of sauce which tasted slight salty and sourish due to the vinegar, I guess?


Gyoza Cheese | B$5.00

One of the must have at Excapade Sushi if you are a cheese lover! Jia and I usually order Haru Maki but I decided that we go for Gyoza Cheese this time. Both Haru Maki and Gyoza Cheese are the same thing. Haru Maki is cream cheese wrapped in spring roll sheet while Gyoza Cheese is cream cheese wrapped under gyoza skin. And each piece of the Gyoza Cheese came with a small piece of shrimp in the cream cheese. Total heaven if you are a cheese lover.


Salmon Asparagus | B$6.00

The waiter got my order wrongly. I specifically requested for Salmon Enoki but the dish came out with 4 pieces of Salmon Asparagus and another 2 pieces of Salmon Enoki. But 6 pieces of Salmon Enoki for B$6.00 was a complete rip-off. So, perhaps the waiter was trying to save some bucks for me by giving me 4 pieces of Salmon Asparagus and 2 pieces of Salmon Enoki? Hahaha … xD

Excapade Sushi Regent Square
Unit 1 & 2, Ground Floor,
Regent Square, Kampung Kiulap,
Bandar Seri Begawan, BE1518,
Brunei Darussalam.
Tel: +673-2234011

6 thoughts on “Japanese Lunchie @ Excapade Sushi, Regent Square

  1. Oh my. You made my recent Sushi fix feel like it’s happened ages ago already. I’m craving again! *_* lol! Btw i realized you’ve been always doing Sushi reviews, don’t you? xD I understood you though & can’t put a blame on. I can eat Sushi forever in my life x) Is eel really that tasty? I’m very scared to taste it. I’ve ever tasted it & thought it’s good but never knew it’s an eel! So when i realized it, i nearly want to puke haha. Idk i find eel looks so scary to taste xD

    • Yeah … I knew I had been doing too much sushi reviews but that’s probably something which I can eat often without getting sick of. I am even planning to go Kaizen Sushi tonight for my second sushi fix. Hahaha … Felt that I hadn’t eaten enough yesterday afternoon.

      But probably it’s because I am so sick of my own personal life matters, hence feeling like stuffing myself with loads of food! Anywhere else to recommend apart from Japanese restaurant?

      Yeah .. Grilled Eel is really tasty if it’s properly cooked. The best Grilled Eel which I had tasted in Brunei was probably the ones from Cheezbox Cafe & Restaurant, Kimchi Restaurant and Kaizen Sushi Waterfront. They were perfectly cooked and melted instantly in the mouth. Those which required chewing was probably way overcooked.

      • Walao eat again later tonight at Kaizen xD Salute to you heheh. Are you going to the Kaizen one in Bandar? Somehow i love Kaizen more lately than Excapade albeit it’s more pricey though. The Sushi & Sashimi are seriously so fresh! Very tasty & mouth watering ^^

        Hmm do you like Hot Pots?? I’ve always wondered about the one at Gadong Central. I heard it’s new! I think you know it. And also indian food has been my obsession these days esp Masala, nyum! I’m not really a fan of Indian foods but i only like some foods though 😀

    • Yeah … I usually go to the Kaizen Sushi across Yayasan. There is another branch though in Kiarong but I did not know the exact location. And furthermore, I preferred the classy ambiance at the Bandar branch anyways. You said that you had never tried any ramen noodles the other day? Kaizen Sushi’s Tatsuta Miso Ramen is good! Try it the next time you go there.

      Hotpots? Hmm … Depending on my mood though. Sometimes, I do but sometimes I don’t. To me, hotpot made you full very quick and you get hungry even quicker. I am not sure which is the new hotpot place at Gadong Central you were talking about. But I heard there was a new one opening in Gadong Central as well. The one I had been to was Yugo Barbeque & Shabu Shabu Restaurant.


      To me, Yugo was only average. Price was a bit steep though. I went there with my friend couple of months ago. Their chicken wasn’t marinate long enough. Hence, there is not much taste on the meat even after barbequed.

      • Oh there are two hotpots there 😮 Okay i didn’t know teehee. Yeah i agreed too the downside of having hotpots is that you’ll be full in no time because of the huge soup consummation. Hence that’s why hungry so fast xD I like it though because it would heat up my body & clear my cold. Definitely would try the Ramen you’ve recommended. Thanks! If only i could remember next time xD

    • The other one besides Yugo Barbeque & Shabu Shabu Restaurant was opened not long ago. It was under the same management as Shinobu Japanese Restaurant, Times Square if I am not wrong. Saw the banner displayed at Times Square a couple of months ago. But I personally think that the hotpots in Brunei lacked ingredients. Most of their ingredients were those leafy greens. I preferred the ingredients provided at Shabulicious Restaurant, Batu Besurat though. But if you are looking for the best hotpot in town, they said it’s at IceBar Shabu Shabu, Kiulap Plaza.

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