Review: Kose Sekkisei White Liquid Wash

Another month had passed and we are now entering the month of July. And I shall be 26 in a few months time. *shudders at the thought of turning 26* LOL! Still haven’t decided what I wanted to do on my 26th birthday this year. Maybe an impromptu trip to somewhere on my own? Or perhaps not, since I am asking Sister to get me a couple of branded bags and wallets if she is going Europe at the end of this year.

Anyways, here’s a very much awaited skincare product review on Kose Sekkisei White Liquid Wash. I did not buy an individual product of this one but it came in a package with several other products – Kose Sekkisei Lotion 100ml and Kose Sekkisei Emulsion 70ml. I couldn’t remember what’s the price of the whole complete set but I think it was about S$87.


Before I started using Kose Sekkisei White Liquid Wash, I was using Kose Sekkisei White Powder Wash. Both products were the same, just that the former is in the form of liquid while the latter is in the form of powder. Albeit the latter was in powder form, it could work up a lather as thick as the liquid one. When I first bought the latter, the BA informed that Kose Sekkisei White Powder Wash is much more suitable for oily skin like mine. I could still use the former but I would need to cut short on dosage.


A blog reader of mine once mentioned in one of my comment box that it’s best to avoid using skincare products which are formulated for oily skin as they will dry out your skin eventually. It’s actually quite true though. Thank you very much for the heads up! Anyways, the consistency of the liquid wash is very much runny and it smelled very herbal just like any other Kose Sekkisei range of products. Albeit it smelled like herbal, it’s not unpleasant but nice.

When you added in a little bit of lukewarm water with the liquid wash, the texture would turn very smooth and massaging them into the skin became easy. The liquid wash doesn’t leave my skin feeling all tightened up after rinsing them off with lukewarm water. My face looked very squeaky clean and smooth. Honestly speaking, I think I preferred Kose Sekkisei White Liquid Wash more than Kose Sekkisei White Powder Wash despite they were both the same.

1. Smooth and squeaky clean.
2. Refreshing herbal scent.
3. Doesn’t leave skin feeling all tightened up after rinsing.

1. Kose counter unavailable in Brunei anymore.

Overall Rating: 5 out of 5

Price: RM124 (East Malaysia) S$42 (Singapore)

Repurchase? Definitely!

28 thoughts on “Review: Kose Sekkisei White Liquid Wash

  1. Woah the prices between Singapore’s & Malaysia’s is so wide o.o SG is much more cheaper. Hey have you ever heard the korean brand ‘Sulwhasso’ ?

    • Oops. There was a typo mistake. I got the pricings all mixed up. It’s actually RM124 in East Malaysia. LOL!

      Yeah … I think I have seen it before on some online shop website. Is this the brand which is sold in Paloma? I have seen Paloma selling a Korean brand of skincare but I am not sure if it’s this one.

  2. Nope as far i’m aware Sulwhasso is not yet in Brunei. Heard that it’s really good & really effective among the users. I see most of their ingredients are largely natural, outnumbering the unknown chemicals, which i really love! ❤ The component natural ingredients are quite exotic too 😀 Too bad they are expensive like $100+ above (if i'm not mistaken…), which is way off from my budget lolol. You can try it! :DD

    • Hmm … Their products are indeed very expensive. Even a bottle of cleansing foam is already B$40! Well, you could always “tumpang” your friends to help you buy from Korea if anyone of them are going to Seoul anytime soon.

      But ever since my horrible experience with some of The Face Shop skincare products, I seldom buy any skincare products from Korean cosmetics store. Sheet masks, yes. But not skincare products. LOL!

      I have a friend who once told me that she used a Korean brand which only could be found in Korea last time. She said it was very good. I wonder if this is the brand she was talking about. The pricing wasn’t very affordable either. Maybe I should ask her if this is the brand.

  3. You can always buy trial kit set from COSME-DE.COM. I’ve never used this site to buy skincare products but reviews about this website had been good. They said delivery was quick. Products were packed up nicely and so on and so forth.

    I am planning to buy some sheet masks from Hermo next. They allow you to mix and match different kinds of sheet masks from brands like My Beauty Diary, FaceQ, Beauty Mates, SexyLook, My Scheming and Secret Diary. Just one each of different sheet masks. At least, you won’t feel regretful if any of them happened not to be very good. At least you have tried and you knew which are good and not.

  4. Hahaha sure i hope i can tumpang my friends if they ever go to Korea xD Skincare in Korea is always cheaper :3 I’m not really into Korean skincare in general but perhaps except i love some brands like Missha & Tony Moly. The Sulwhasso is quite pricey, like level headed with Kose as an example in terms of quality. I don’t do any of those online shopping >.< I seriously never do it lolol. I don't know how the transactions can be done via the paypal account or whatever xD

    • Yeah … If I were given the option to choose between Korean and Japanese skincare, I would definitely go for the latter.

      The only Korean skincare brand which suited me is only Laneige by far. The rest were so so. Only their sheet masks were usable. Or else they will cause heavy breakouts on my skin.

      The alcohol content level for Missha is quite high for me. They usually burn my skin rather badly regardless which sheet masks of theirs that I am using. I tried two of their sheet masks before and they both ended the same way.

      Only managed to leave it on my skin for like 30 seconds before I removed them off my skin. Skin turned red and blotchy instantly. I liked Missha packaging though. Too bad the products couldn’t work on my skin like others did.

  5. Hi! Would you recommend using Kose over Laneige? I’ve been using the latter for quite some time but I’m getting bored with it and in need of something new. My skin is more combo than oily but prone to blackheads/whiteheads; mainly due to big pores I guess…

    • Hmm … If it’s between Kose and Laneige, I would definitely go for the former as some of Laneige basic skincare products don’t seem to suit my skin type.

      I don’t think Kose Sekkisei range would be able to fix your current blackheads or whiteheads problem. But if you have an acne prone skin, I have a friend who once told me that their Junkisui range is good.

      What you need right now is probably a good facial cleanser to get rid of your blackheads and whiteheads. You can always try Elizabeth Arden Visible Difference Oil-Free Cleanser. I would go for this cleanser rather than Kose Sekkisei White Liquid Wash as Kose cleanser is more for improving skin complexion rather than it’s condition.

      As for the Elizabeth Arden cleanser, it comes in two forms. One is the normal facial cleanser and another one comes with mild exfoliant. You can always get Elizabeth Arden Clear The Way Mask for removing blackheads and whiteheads.

      But the best way to get rid of blackheads or whiteheads is to get regular session of facial treatment. It could cost a lot. But if you are able to find a good facial therapist, your skin condition would improve a lot over time.

      I used to have an oily skin with loads of blackheads and whiteheads. But after I started going for regular facial session, the appearance of both blackheads and whiteheads seems to have reduced a lot. And my skin is now less oily compared to before.

      Hope this helps. xD

  6. I have a 20ml sample of this face wash n i have used it 4-5 times. However I don’t seem to get much lather. I tried different amounts of product n water but still the lather is not much n d foam a bit flat.

    How much do u use normally ?

    • I would usually use 2 drops of the liquid wash. I pump them on a mask bowl and then whisk them like whisking an egg with a facial brush. LOL! And then slowly adding a drop of water at a time. That’s how you can get a slightly thicker lather.

      But if you use 2 droplets of the liquid wash and then add a bit of water before you start whisking, you could still get a big lather but less thicker. Only more foamy with bubbles.

      Some said making a lather would cleanse better but I think they are the same. As long as you massage the liquid wash well into your skin, it could cleanse up well enough.

      But honestly speaking, I don’t work up a lather every time before I wash my face. Just 2 pumps on my hands and then rub my hands with the help of a little bit of water before massaging them onto my face. LOL!

      • Thanks for the explanation. I thought there was something wrong with the sample I was given. Using a mask bowl n a facial brush to create lather is just to tedious for me. I’ll stick with hands and water LOL.

        I like the way my face feels after using the White Liquid Wash. Smooth and clean but not dry. But the lack of lather makes me use more White Liquid Wash. That’s why I didn’t buy a full size yet. Plus I already have the seikisho black facial soap that would probably last a long time.. Have u tried it before ?

    • Nope. I have never tried the Kose Seikisho Black Facial Soap. My skin doesn’t normally reacts well with soap bar. I prefer liquid type of facial wash more though. Hahaha …

      Yeah … It’s indeed tedious of having to use a bowl and a facial brush to create a lather every time before you wash your face. A BA at Shiseido once taught me how to make a lather with just both of our hands.

      I tried but could never work up a rich lather as hers so I gave up. I wouldn’t advise you going extra with the dosage for Kose Seikkisei White Liquid Wash because the cleanser is formulated for normal to dry skin. And it might make your skin even oily after using the cleanser.

      Some people may find Kose Sekkisei White Liquid Wash too rich for their skin. The Kose BA recommended me Kose Sekkisei White Powder Wash since I have an oily skin. She did mentioned that I could still use the former but one pump only instead of two.

      • I initially wanted to buy the Junkisui lotion and cleanser at the Kose counter. But the cleanser was out of stock and the SA gave me a sample of White Liquid Wash, saying its suitable for my oily skin. I asked if she had any other type of cleanser but she said “This is suitable for u listen to me” LOL.

        I used it again this morning and I’m starting to really like this cleanser a lot. Less harsh compared to the black soap but still cleanses well.

        I have used liquid face washes in the past but they finish too fast compared to those foaming cleansers.

        How long does a bottle last u ?

    • Hmm … The Kose BA whom you encountered must be someone who doesn’t like to be corrected. Indeed I wouldn’t suggest White Liquid Wash if you also have an oily face like mine. But as long as you know how to control the dosage, it’s still okay.

      The BA at Kose whom I encountered told me that I could still use Kose Sekkisei White Liquid Wash but cut short on the dosage and the frequency of usage per day. I think she told me to use only during the day time. But so far, my skin is not as oily as before. So, I guess it’s still fine to use it twice per day.

      I have also wanted to try the Junkisui range of cleanser since a friend of mine told me that the range is more for acne-prone skin. I made myself sound like I have so many skincare products which I wanna try.

      I couldn’t confirm with you the duration that it took me to finish a bottle of facial cleanser as I never stick to one product until it finishes as I usually switch in between. But I guess a bottle could roughly lasts me about 2 – 3 months?

      But the Elizabeth Arden White Glove Extreme Clarifying Foam Cleanser which I am using now has barely gone through with 2 months yet and it’s hitting bottom already.

  7. She’s a middle aged lady so I think u can imagine haha. But she’s generous with the samples. I bought a 200ml Sekkisei Lotion yesterday and she gave me mini size tubes and bottles of White Liquid Wash, Mask White, Emulsion and Massage gel. This mall has 3 Kose counters. The other 2 I went to, the SAs were stingy and were only willing to give one sample if I purchased the Lotion from them.

    Thanks a lot for all the infos. I guess I’ll stick to the Seikisho Black Soap for the moment. But there is something about the White Liquid Wash that makes me want to get a bottle. it must be the colour…dark blue is my fav colour LOL.

    • Glad that the BA you met was generous with samples. The one I met, she was nice but she never gives me any sample. Probably because I always buy her set deals. Hahaha …

      I just bought a couple of Kose skincare products from and majority of them were in sample sizes. Good to bring around when travelling.

      I was thinking of buying myself a tube of Kose Junkisui Cleanser after you mentioned it the other day. LOL! Which brand of skincare products are you using at the moment?

      Did you know that Shiseido had just launched a new range called Ibuki? Tempted to try out the product but the price range is about White Lucent. *sob*

  8. Right now i am using Kose Seikisho black soap and Sekkisei Lotion. Previously I was using Shiseido Men but I didn’t like the texture of the Hydrating Lotion which was a little too sticky for my liking. i ended up using too little to be of any benefit. Last week I got curious about the black soap and some reviews said it lasts a long time. So i bought one, got a lotion sample and really liked it. light but same time moisturizing. I saw some improvement a week after using Kose products. It made me curious about the other products in the Sekkisei range.

    The Junkisui cleanser has a cheap looking cap. u know those twist caps that never seem to lock n if u tighten it too much it will probably crack. That’s one of the reason why I didn’t buy a tube. Also on that day I wanted to buy it all 3 Kose counters in that mall had no stock.

    • I had the same experience as well when I first started using Kose Sekkisei range of products. It improved my skin condition like in within a few days. As a matter of fact, it’s even better than Shiseido.

      In terms of pricing, it’s a little bit cheaper compared to Shiseido White Lucent even though the both of them are the whitening range of their own brands.

      I bought a couple of sample sized products of Kose from and hopefully these products are good for my skin also. I got their Kose Sekkisei Cream and Day Essence SPF25.

      Now that you mentioned you don’t really like the texture of Hydrating Lotion from Shiseido Men, have you tried their Pureness range? You could always try their Pureness Alcohol-Free Softener. That was the first softener which I got myself when I first tried Shiseido Pureness range.

      • I have tried the Pureness range a few times of n on over the years. The alcohol free softener is nice to use but i didn’t much improvements compare to Sekkisei Lotion.

        Price is another reason why I stopped using Shiseido products.

    • If you had used Kose Sekkisei range, you definitely wouldn’t want to try Shiseido Pureness as the latter is a lot milder than the former.

      But if we were to compare the alcohol content level of both brands, I think Kose had higher content.

      • I actually enjoy lotions with alcohol in them. They r more refreshing and when applied after a shave it is very invigorating. The Sekkisei works well for me in this aspect. Previously the Shiseido Men Toning Lotion contained too much alcohol, it can be quite painful to apply if i happen to nick myself while shaving. Meanwhile the Hydrating Lotion was a bit too sticky and kind of makes dirt/dust stick to my face. Sekkisei Lotion falls nice in between the two and so far is quite the perfect lotion for me. I don’t even need to apply moisturizer after the Sekkisei Lotion as it moisturizing enough for me.

    • Have your ever tried Kose Seikisho Clear Lotion? I am not sure if guys should be using it since guys do shave. It’s a liquid which you use before Kose Sekkisei Lotion.

      It smooths out the skin complexion and also removes traces of dirt and grime that weren’t properly cleansed with your facial cleanser.

      The product is actually good for me but I preferred Laneige Clear-C Effector. Both products worked about the same just that the latter is more of a skin booster with Vitamin C. I can see that my skin is a lot better after using the latter. You could try too if you are interested. xD

  9. Hey, how long does a bottle of White Liquid Wash last u ?

    I been using White Liquid Wash for 3 weeks twice daily and about a quarter is gone. I usually use one pump to wash my face. For a RM120 cleanser I wished it lasted longer.

    • I think a bottle of Kose Sekkisei White Liquid Wash lasted me more or less about 2 months if I use it on a daily basis.

      Quite a lot said Kose Sekkisei White Liquid Wash doesn’t last very long. A friend of mine asked me the same question as you did previously.

      I had been using Yves Rocher Hydra Vegetal Refreshing Gel Cleanser for about 2 weeks and about a quarter is gone as well.

      • Some reviews said half a pump is enough to wash the entire face. I doubt that. When I use half a pump my face doesn’t feel very clean.

        But out of the 3 cleansers in the Sekkisei range white Liquid Wash is the easiest to use. Powder Wash is quite a hassle as u need to be really careful not to get any water in the bottle. Clear Facial Soap needs to be rinsed n stored in a cool dry place or else it will melt due to humidity.

        BTW, is White Liquid Wash able to remove the Sekkisei Cleansing Cream thoroughly ? I noticed that every time I double cleanse with Cleansing Cream n White Liquid Wash, there is a very slight oily layer after I rinse off WLW. I cleanse another time with WLW and my face is squeaky clean.

      • Hmm … I doubt half a pump is enough for the entire face provided that you lather it up before applying onto your face.

        Yeah … White Liquid Wash is the best out of the three albeit I had not used the Clear Facial Soap before. The White Powder Wash is the most economical one but then I don’t like it as much as the White Liquid Wash.

        For me, White Liquid Wash is able to rinse completely the Cleansing Cream and I only have to use one pump previously.

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